Lions of Nairobi National Park
Lions of Nairobi National Park : Nairobi National Park is only a short drive from Nairobi’s downtown business centre. Surrounded by tall skyscrapers, the vast grassy plains in this area are home to populations of lions, rhinos, buffalos, giraffes, and hippos. As if living in an urban neighbourhood weren’t enough, the Park is also home to ostriches, jackals, crocodiles, and impala. Compared to other parks in Kenya, this one is modest in size, having been established in 1946, and it is fenced off on three sides. Wildlife is free to migrate between the Park and the nearby Kitengela plains due to the open southern boundary. Nairobi National Park is one of Kenya’s most successful rhino sanctuaries, despite its small stature and close proximity to the vibrant city.
It is definitely worthwhile to spend some time in Nairobi to witness some amazing wildlife that coexists with Kenya’s largest city. The Wilson and Kenyatta International airports are close to The Park. Additionally, you can spot wildlife before you even land if you look closely! There are a number of picnic areas in the Park with high vantage points that offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape and Nairobi’s striking urban skyline.
Overall, the park is well-signed and simple to drive yourself. The Park is kept up nicely, and the roads are generally in decent shape providing you stay on the designated trails. However, the lesser paths might be difficult, particularly during the wet season. Maps are typically sold at the front gate by the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), though this should not be depended upon. If necessary, Google Maps is always an option. Ask the KWS rangers upon arrival to direct you to areas where they have recently sighted wildlife if you are driving yourself. As an alternative, you can pay a ranger to give you a tour; the cost is negotiable and not set.
The average cost of admission to the park is $4 for Kenyan nationals and residents and $35 for outsiders (please note that these rates are subject to change). The cost of a guided tour varies, but for a car it might be about $150.
The Park is open all year round, so now is the perfect time to go. The greatest time to see wildlife is during the dry season, which runs from June to September. During the rainy season, which traditionally falls between April and May and then late September to early November, a 4×4 is advised. Head out early in the morning or late at night if you’re going on a game drive because most animals hide from the daytime sun. Every day, the gates open at 6:00 and close at 19:00.As an alternative, KWS rents out a small fleet of vehicles. To prevent disappointment, it could be worthwhile to make reservations in advance or arrive early, Lions of Nairobi National Park

The 10 most popular species that can be found here, based on reports that have been reported to Kenya Safari Tours, are:
It is estimated that about 35 lions are thought to reside in Nairobi National Park. This is true even though lions have been known to occupy areas as large as 400 km2 while the Park is only about 140 km2 in size. Although sightings are by no means assured, there are a lot of lions in such a tiny region, so your chances of seeing one are high. They are accustomed to seeing cars full of visitors pull up and lean out to take pictures. It should come as no surprise that living adjacent to such a massive predator is not without controversy; there have been stories of lions venturing out of the Park to investigate the suburbs of the city.
The rhinos are the main attraction at Nairobi National Park. Owing to its urban setting, or perhaps in spite of it, the Park is a significant rhino refuge where seeing black rhinos is almost a given. After years of poaching, there are just 700 of these extremely endangered animals left in Kenya. Nairobi National Park is home to 60 of these animals. In addition, eleven white rhinos were relocated to the Park in order to keep them safe from poaching.
Examine the lips of the two rhino species attentively to help distinguish them. Because they forage for shrubs, black rhinos have erect heads. For the purpose of removing leaves and thorns from low-growing trees, they have triangle mouths with hooked top lips.
Cape buffaloes
Eleven Cape buffalo were brought into the Park in 1965. The population has progressively increased over time to approximately 500 people. These days, there are many buffalos in the Park, and it is easy to view them. Usually seen in big herds, they spend their time grazing on the wide grasslands. Buffalo numbers are increasing in the Park and the surrounding plains, despite the fact that species like wildebeest are disappearing there, according to a research on wildlife populations. Rainfall seems to have an impact on numbers in the Park as well. When there is a shortage of water, buffalo go out onto the plains and into the Park during the rainy seasons.
Nairobi National Park is home to the world’s tallest mammal, despite its little size. At 5.5 metres tall, the Maasai giraffe is the highest subspecies of giraffes! These elegant creatures are most likely to be seen browsing acacia trees or silhouetted against the horizon because to their enormous legs and long necks. A (now out-of-date) assessment of the park’s giraffe population counted 160 animals, making it unusually high for the area.
The appropriately called “Hippo Pool” is the greatest place to see hippos in Nairobi National Park. It’s typical to see these massive, ponderous animals lazing in and around the water’s edge. The majority of guided trips include a stop in the pool, and lunch can be had at the picnic area. From here, you may stroll down to the pool where you can keep an eye out for hippos along a shaded forest path.
There are plenty of impala in the Park, and they are simple to locate. The Impala Observation Point—also appropriately named—is the greatest spot to watch them. Slender antelopes, impalas have big curving horns and reddish-brown coats. Their preferred habitats are short grasses near water sources that border open woods. They congregate in vast herds during the rainy season because there are an abundance of grasses, shoots, herbs, bushes, and shrubs for them to graze on.
The black-backed, side-striped, and golden jackal are the three species of jackals. The black-backed jackal is the most frequently observed species in Nairobi National Park. The stripes that run down their backs in black and silver make them easy to identify. Being gregarious creatures, jackals are frequently observed in packs. Because they are aware that following lions increases their chances of snatching some leftover food, jackals are constantly around wherever there are lions.
Nile crocodiles
The most frequent type of crocodile in Kenya is the Nile, which may be easily found in the Park. With a maximum length of five metres, they rank as the second largest crocodile species globally. They are deadly and violent animals as well. As ambush predators, Nile crocodiles wait underwater for their prey to approach. When they are out of the water and enjoying the warmth of the sun, they may be simpler to locate. Keep an eye out for them on the path leading to the Hippo Pool in the park.
Large, flightless birds, ostriches have developed several special adaptations to suit their lifestyle in the African savannah. They lay the largest eggs of any animal and are the fastest birds on land, reaching speeds of up to 70 km/h. Ostriches are rather easy to recognise and may be seen all across Nairobi National Park. Ostriches tend to avoid rocky places and favour plains with short grass, so keep an eye out for them.
Servals are stunning, spotted cats that resemble cheetahs in size but with much smaller spots. Although they are visible in Nairobi National Park, they are infamously hard to find. Their ideal habitat is tall, wet grasslands that are close to wetlands. These cats hunt by sight and sound; they are nocturnal. Additionally, their spotted coats let them blend in well with the savannah’s tall grasses.