The Photographer Guide to for an African Safari
The Photographer Guide to for an African Safari : I’m going to give you some incredible advice today on how to get ready for your Tanzania photography trip and to make it massive.
This kind of trip is much more planned than a typical road trip through the National Parks, as you might expect. In order to maximize your photographic potential, I’ve put together a few simple guidelines that will enable you to take some amazing shots.
When you start your planning, I strongly advise you to get a variety of guidebooks and maps. In my experience, a single guidebook won’t contain all the information you need. First of all, you can choose the trusted tour operator like Focus East Africa Tours.
Maps are an additional must have. These will assist you in pinpointing the precise location of the national parks you want to visit while taking photos in Tanzania. You’ll be able to discover how many parks you can fit into a day and how far you can travel.
The Photographer’s Guide to preparing for an African Safari.
Last but not least, videos could be a good way to become accustomed to the destination (and they’re ideal to raise children’s interest!).
While photo storage may be a significant issue when on safari, this is not particularly unusual in most travel situations. It’s likely that you won’t have Internet access for the majority of the trip (though happily, most lodgings have it), so your storage solution needs to travel with you. There are two methods for completing this:
Multiple Cards.
Even though it presents some difficulties, having many cards is frequently thought to be the easiest. You only have a single copy of each photo at first, so you could lose the majority of your images if a card becomes corrupt or lost. It could also be difficult to organise them; you need to have a method for correctly identifying the cards with images on them and keeping the ones without images separate from the ones that are available for use.
An External Storage Device.
The amount of cards needed could be reduced if you have an external storage device, which allows direct download from the cards without the need for a computer. But if you increase the number of cards to accommodate all of your anticipated photo requirements. Purchase an external storage device as well; in the event that the cards and device are kept apart while on safari, this could offer a safe backup option. These gadgets might make the safari heavier and require additional batteries.

A Laptop.
The laptop is the last item. Other than the easily transportable device, there are several other reasons, even though they obviously add more weight and cost. If you plan to use it solely for travelling with photos, I suggest the external storage device. A laptop is useful, though, if you plan to share the pictures and check your email at that time. Make sure there is enough space on the hard drive to store all of the photos.
Lens Selection
A few pieces of advice that remain mostly unchanged from the days of film to digital cameras concern choosing lenses. Most of the animals you see on your Tanzania safari will be at a distance, especially if you are lucky enough to see a chase in the open savannah. Here, your main choices are a telephoto zoom and a prime lens.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us; we’ll be happy to answer your inquiries promptly.